

When you purchase a pre-order item you are buying a soon-to-be-available product not yet in inventory. We may collect full, partial or no payment at checkout and store your payment method. Once the item is available for dispatch we will fulfill the order and charge any outstanding balance.


On occasion a new release may be delayed, cancelled or limited in quantity. In these scenarios we will advise you of any changes as soon as possible and outline the available options. 


If we are unable to capture payment we will instead send an invoice. This must be paid by the due date or the order will be cancelled. You are free to order the item again but bear in mind that it may no longer be available.

Cancellation and Returns

You can cancel a pre-order that has not yet been fulfilled at any time. If the order has already entered the fulfilment process then you can't cancel the order but you can request a return.

See our returns policy for more details on returns and refunds.